Monday, February 29, 2016

5.1: Multiple Intelligence Theory in the Classroom: A Brief Note

How are students “smart” in different ways?
Students are smart in different ways because each child has different innate abilities and learning styles. The “one-size-fits-all” approach to learning does not take this into account. According to this theory, educators should teach the way the student learns. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory of Learning and Human Potential is based on nine distinct intelligences. His theory challenged popula psychology and educational theories of the day. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences are:
1. Verbal-linguistic intelligence (well-developed verbal skills and sensitivity to the sounds, meanings and rhythms of words)
2. Logical-mathematical intelligence (ability to think conceptually and abstractly, and capacity to discern logical and numerical patterns)
3. Spatial-visual intelligence (capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly)
4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully)
5. Musical intelligences (ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch and timber)
6. Interpersonal intelligence (capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of others)
7. Intrapersonal (capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs and thinking processes)
8. Naturalist intelligence (ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals and other objects in nature)
9. Existential intelligence (sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence such as, What is the meaning of life? Why do we die? How did we get here? (Source: Thirteen ed online, 2004 )
How can teachers use multiple intelligences in the classroom?
Since students learn in different ways, education would best be served if information is presented in different ways, and learning is accessed through a variety of means. In the Annenberg video, there were several  exemplary examples of teachers using MI Theory in their classrooms to facilitate learning. I particularly liked the elementary school teacher’s use of stations to teach about the parts of the plant. Watercolor, writing, reading, drawing and even acting is provided to allow students to learn through their own natural learning styles. This allows for students to engage in their learning of academic material on many different levels. In my own classroom, I always look for opportunities to provide a variety of activities based on Gardner’s MI Theory  for students to learn.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

4.2 UbD Stage 2: Using a Series of Lessons About Scientific Process as an Example

4.1 UbD Stage 1: Desired Goals- A Reflection

1. The Big Ideas
In creating lessons using UbD, Stage 1 has us consider the Big Ideas. We move from topics, such as the Scientific Process, or Nutrition to big ideas which include themes, concepts, theories, challenges, issues, debates assumptions and paradoxes. In this series of lessons around developing multiple solutions to a scientific problem, the big ideas are:
  • What does it mean to go back to the drawing board? 
  • How do scientists arrive at their most possible solutions? 
  • What steps do they take along the way? 
  • How do they handle their failures and ultimate successes? 
  • What do scientists and engineers use to determine whether a solution to a problem will actually work? 
  • What is one way that testing helps scientists determine which solution for a problem works best?
2. Key Skills and Knowledge
These are tied to CCSS, become the enduring understandings for the students. Here are a few examples:
  • (K) “I can integrate arguments to support claims made in an article with clear reasons and relevant evidence which can be found in an article.” 
  • (S) “I can clearly introduce the topic of my text using vocabulary learned and formative language.” 

3. Desired Results
The next step is to consider the desired results, develop established goals, essential questions, knowledge and understandings. Below are examples from my lesson. See my presentation for more information.
  • G1: Students will be able to write the arguments that support the claims made in this article using clear reasoning and evidence from the article. 
  • U1: Students will understand that scientists develop many possible solutions, and have successes and failures, before arriving at a solution. 
  • K1: That there are multiple ways to develop solutions to any [scientific] problem they wish to solve. 
  • S1: Determine the process of finding the most suitable solution to a problem. 
  • T1: Students will independently use their learning to research and develop alternative solutions to any problem in order to find the most plausible solution. 

4. Readiness 

Readiness for College and Career are increasingly important as students advance in grade level. The skills and knowledge that we teach should be able to be transferred to other subjects and life in general to help students become ready for whatever they encounter. Science is a great place to do this.
We will see in the next step how we move from this to Stage 2, which has us determining acceptable evidence for assessing student's understandings.
Please click here to view my presentation on UbD Stage 1 for this series of lessons.

Monday, February 15, 2016

3.1/3.2 An example of UbD Stage 1 Using CCSS/ ELA: Reading Informational Texts and Writing 8th Grade Science

Stage 1of UbD (Understanding by Design) focuses on the desired outcome of the lesson. Clearly defined goals and planning for student understanding leads to the development of the essential questions for the basis of the activity, what the students will understand in the end and what they will be able to do with the acquired knowledge and skills. This is the beauty of UbD- it is driven by the end in mind which leads to authentic learning and activities that are purposeful and targeted to the goal.

Here is an example of a reading and writing activity that fuses UbD with an authentic goals and activities using the CCSS for 8th grade STEM Research.

Example of Stage 1 UbD Using Common Core State Standards in ELA/Reading: Informational Texts: Grade 8



Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

“I can analyze in detail how a key idea is introduced, illustrated, and elaborated in a text (e.g., through examples or anecdotes).”


Determine a central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to supporting ideas; provide an objective summary of the text.

“I understand what the central idea is of this text and can provide a summary of it’s meaning in relation to our unit.”


Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.

“ I can determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings.”


Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how the author acknowledges and responds to conflicting evidence or viewpoints.

“I can determine the author's point of view and purpose of this text and explain how it is conveyed.”


Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums (e.g., print or digital text, video, multimedia) to present a particular topic or idea.

“I can integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue.”

Desired Results

Established Goals

G1: Students will be able to write the arguments that support the claims made in this article using clear reasoning and evidence from the article.
G2: Students will research a real-world example of their choice in which scientists/engineers developed and tested many possible solutions to the problem.
G3: Students will write about this process step-by-step in their journal.
G4: Students will present their findings to the class.


U1: Students will understand that scientists develop many possible solutions, and have successes and failures, before arriving at a solution.
U2: Students will understand that science is often nonlinear and dynamic in its approaches to inquiry.

Essential Questions:

What do scientists and engineers us to determine whether a solution to a problem will actually work?
What is one way that testing helps scientists determine which solution for a problem works best?

Students will know...

K1: that there are multiple ways to develop solutions to any [scientific] problem they wish to solve.

Students will be able to…

S1: determine the process of finding the most suitable solution to a problem.
T1: students will independently use their learning to research and develop alternative solutions to any problem in order to find the most plausible solution

Link to articles and quiz

Monday, February 1, 2016

2.2 Creating a Culture of Success in the STEM Classroom

Join me as I explore ideas for creating a culture of success in the STEM classroom. As part of this exploration, I am using Videoscribe and ScreenCast to create a visual whiteboard for the presentation. The full transcript is below- some of the material didn't make it into the video!

​Q: How do you think that students learn and develop?

A: [Rebecca Glavan]Students learn and develop in many different ways, but all need a rich, fertile environment in which to flourish. This includes, but is not limited to authentic source exposure, deep reading, integrating technology, incorporating differentiation, scaffolding, multiple activities, self-reflection and assessment. More strategies are discussed in this presentation. Learner and educator bring things to the table. For learning, students bring with them some of the following attributes:
  1. Prior knowledge (knowledge built through life experience and previous education)
  2. Cultural/Family beliefs (beliefs about topic, or education in general that come from home or a cultural environment)
  3. self-beliefs ( I am smart, I am not a good writer)
  4. Skills and Strategies (acquired skills and strategies for learning)
  5. Their own innate learning style (visual, auditory, spatial, etc)
It is up to us as educators to identify, support and enhance each student’s abilities and strengthen their abilities and desire to succeed.

Q: How can the teaching and classroom environment support learning for understanding?
A: Learning for understanding is not the same as teaching. In this environment the educator take the role of a mentor, a coach. Facilitating understanding means knowing how to support the student on many levels, and to know when to step in for scaffolding or differentiation, and when to step back to allow the student to apply the knowledge. Here are some of the levels of support that are essential: (inspired by Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University)
  • Cognitive apprenticeship: Support the process of learning to THINK (like master and apprentice), model strategies, skill sets. This includes teaching tools and strategies, not facts.
  • Metacognition: teaching students to REFLECT on their thinking and guide their own learning: teaching them to use strategies.(mind maps, revision, process orientation, what do you know about yourself as a thinker?) Self assessment and reflection process: How are you different now than before?
  • Structure of the discipline: Understanding the major concepts and inquiry of the discipline that guide learning in the classroom (what it MEANS to think like a scientist, mathematician, engineer, artist or technologist). Learn to THINK like the expert in the discipline.
  • Transfer: To be able to apply the learning from one situation to another.

Q: How can learning theory inform my teaching practice?
​A: Theories in general present a systematic way of understanding a specific set of constructs. Learning theories present models of learning that can inform us about different ways in which students learn and can provide us with a framework or toolbox of strategies for teaching.

Q: How can interactions among the learner, the classroom environment, and the teaching/learning process produce motivation to learn and build strong learning communities?
A: Here are some ways in which I feel that interactions can motivate students to learn and build a culture of success in the STEM classroom:
  • Authentic learning through authentic activities. In project-based learning, the proof is that you actually experienced the content firsthand, not that you read about it or answered the question correctly on a test.
  • Create an emotionally safe place. Learning can not take place in an environment where students feel emotionally unsafe.
  • Create the culture of collaboration and community: “We are a team!” Working together to achieve goals, like a sports team, and creating positive energy around the learning can be an intrinsic motivator for students.
  • Have the same goal, but allow for different paths to get there. Not everyone can learn or express themselves in the same way. Allow for options to prove mastery.
  • Involve the larger community, connect with experts. 
  • Tap into student’s personal interests, create value for the experiences. Educational outcomes are best when students learn why they need to know things. Connecting this learning with experts in the community can motivate students to go deeper if the material is meaningful in the context of the real world.
  • Share what we learn with others. Being part of a bigger picture can motivate students. Allow them to solve real-world problems or use their knowledge to help their community.
  • Acknowledge achievement. Use badges or certificates to acknowledge individual milestones. Differentiating this way encourages students and makes them feel valued.
Copyright 2016, Rebecca Glavan

AR.1 Learning with Web Tools in the Science Classroom

Learning with Web Tools, Simulations, and Other Technologies in Science Classrooms Todd Campbell • Shiang Kwei Wang • Hui-Yin Hsu • Aaron M. Duffy • Paul G. Wolf
This paper proposes that there is an enormous, untapped potential for enhancement of student and teacher learning through the use of ICT’s for engaging students in scientific inquiry. The authors suggest that ICT’s are not currently being used in ways that are in alignment with or relevant to student’s lives, either due to teacher’s lack of confidence with the emerging technologies or lack of professional development. The authors propose a “learn with” approach, rather than a “learn from” approach after citing the lack of meaningful technology integration within the inquiry-based science classroom.
This article describes a case study where students use OneSimulator to develop a terrain and collect data from it. In this way, they are able to develop hypotheses, design and conduct research experiments on terrains that they would otherwise not have access to, and collect and analyze data. The authors talk about 3D bar mapping with Google Earth, database programs and more.
The future of the technology-integrated, scientific inquiry-based, student-driven science class is exciting. I am glad to have read this article and to be a part of the future.